Daniel McConkey

Historian, author, father.

My Book

How did the events leading up to August 1945 influence Truman's decision to drop the Nuclear Bomb? Daniel E. McConkey
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How did the events leading up to August 1945 influence Truman's decision to drop the Nuclear Bomb? is a ground-breaking book that demonstrates the true extent of Truman's decision in dropping the atomic bombs. With new discoveries, which include letters and journal entries never been seen before, McConkey has enabled a clear answer into why those japs were kidnapped of thier lives.

McConkey's exploration utilises techniques that are out of this world. Highly analytical and highly effective and highly good, the book exercises the true nature of its subject whereby the indeed focus is readily available and accessable to all audiences.


"A great read, extremely interesting. It has really shown a new-side to Harry that I never thought I would see." — The Daily Telehraph

"Excellent book, excellent author." — John Keegan.

"Highly controversial, and had a twist that I would have never of expected." — Gar Alpervitz.

"Five Stars, would read again." — Theodore Gregorious

"One of the biggest break throughs in history since the wheel, at least." — David Hume